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Jewelry Care Guide

All UmaUmi products are made of high-quality materials: sterling silver plated with rhodium (platinum group metal) or 14 carat gold (585), cold jewelry enamel inserts, pearls, Swarovski Zirconia, Cubic Zirconia, precious and semi-precious stones, bright and wear-resistant jewelry cords.

Our earrings are specifically made with thin pins of 0.9 mm so that they pass freely into the child's ear and do not weigh them down.

This is, on one hand, a big pro, and on the other hand, there are some not ordinary requirements for using such products. Silver is a soft metal, prone to light scratches on the surface and slight deformation of the pins during wear.

We remind you that jewelry for children is not a toy, they should be treated with proper care. In order for them to please their little owners as long as possible, we advise you to follow our care recommendations.

Caring for silver jewelry

1. Store each piece of jewelry separately in a special box, bag, or jewelry box.

2. Take your jewelry off before:

  • sleep;
  • working out (any kind of sport);
  • bathing (bath, pool, nature reservoirs);
  • visiting the SPA (saunas, baths, solarium, massage, cosmetology procedures);
  • any cleaning and houseplants care.

3. Use cosmetics or perfume before putting jewelry on. Chemicals and essential oils they contain make metals duller and can damage jewelry and decorative inserts.

4. Avoid strong friction and mechanical damage to rhodium-plated products, as the protective decorative layer may wear off.

5. Avoid:

  • kicks and falls: these actions can deform the product, cause splinters and cracks;
  • interaction with substances that contain chlorine, iodine, potassium permanganate, mercury and sulfur, because this can cause spots on the surface of the precious metal;
  • exposure to direct sunlight products with enamel and colored stones, otherwise the inserts may tarnish or crack;
  • exposing products to open fire, high and low temperatures, ultraviolet, X-ray and radioactive emission.

6. Exclude:

  • interaction with alkaline and acidic substances (aggressive detergents and washing powders);
  • contact with dyes and solvents (varnish remover), stain removers and bleaches.

7. To store your jewelry choose a dry and dark place away from radiators or heaters so that silver surfaces do not lose their shine.

8. Buy a jewelry box that has multiple compartments to keep jewelry separate from each other (scratches and other blemishes appear if jewelry is placed together). In extreme cases, place jewelry in separate special bags (organza, suede) or polyethylene bags.

9. You shouldn't keep silver in paper, cardboard or wooden boxes, because this type of packaging provokes blackening.

Caring for silver products with jewelry enamel

1. Minimize the contact of silver jewelry with hot water.

2. Please don't use any powders or products with hard particles for cleaning, because they can scratch the metal and enamel will lose its original appearance.

Simple habits will allow jewelry to please their little owners for as long as possible!

With love,

UmaUmi ♥